The Trap of a Lack Mindset

So many of us have fallen into the prison known as lack. Most of us are raised with it, so we don’t even know it’s how we exist.

Lack: (noun) the state of being without or not having enough of something.

We live in a world where there is never enough. The moment the USA realized we were going into quarantine for COVID-19 the shelves in grocery stores were bare. There was no food, no toiletries, and no cleaning supplies. Walking into a store that was empty felt like walking through a cloud of fear. Instead of ever considering that other people may need some as well, Americans rushed to take care of themselves.

Now, there is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself. I fully subscribe to the airplane notion of securing your mask first. However, we were never raised to take care of each other, or even to assume that there could, in fact, be enough for everyone. This causes a host of problems for the collective, but today I just want to talk about how the energy of lack effects you specifically.

Think about a time where you’ve gone to the store, for fun let’s say Target (because everyone loves target, don’t lie, I know you do). You walk in knowing you’re there to pick up shampoo, conditioner, a new razor and that’s it. You promise yourself you are going to keep it small because you don’t need to spend money right now. You tell yourself you’re going to get the good shampoo and conditioner this time because your hair is feeling really terrible and dry. You get to the isle and see that the good ones are $25 each. Ouch. That wasn’t as much as you were expecting to pay. You stand there for a moment considering, and then decide you don’t need it that much. You go for the products that are $8.99 instead because they are good enough for now. The same thing happens when you go to grab the good razor. You see the price and think… $18.99 for a razor feels like a lot. I’ll go for the $10 one instead, its fine for now.

This is a silly girly example, but I think it’s really relatable so just go with it.

So what is the ripple effect of these thought processes?

  1. You start to feel less confident because your hair isn’t beautiful right now.

  2. Your hair ends up drying up so badly that you need to pay $75 for a professional to trim it up and condition it properly for you.

  3. You constantly cut yourself shaving, and you never get that smooth feel that you are hoping for.

  4. You can’t wear the clothes you want because you’re self conscious of the razor burn and have to cover your body up.

These seem like really ridiculous things, and to some extent they are, but they have cost you a lot more in the long run because lack mindset told you that “for now” it’s ok to not have the things you really desire. And your brain gets fatigued over the stress of what you don’t have vs. what you do.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier to not have to think about whether or not your hair looks and feels good today? Something so small.

Wouldn’t it be easier to be able to wear the summer dress or bathing suit that make you feel beautiful without worrying about your bumps, cuts and stubble?

That is the ripple effect of a lack mindset.

Now imagine that on a large scale.

Making large decisions for yourself around your career, your business, your friendships or your home from a place of lack eventually becomes a prison. It is a terrible trap to be caught in the feelings of never having enough.

Imagine seeing something you really need, a program or item that could change your life for the better, and saying “but it’s just so expensive, I don’t need that”, and you may even end up judging the person for even charging to begin with.

You’re literally telling the universe you aren’t worth what you need, or of the growth or magic something could bring you.

But that is what money is for, to support you in what you need and desire.

When you believe there’s never enough, it becomes your reality.

Do you ever notice that those who speak most about their frustration, exhaustion, illness or poverty are the ones who stay there? Or that the ones who speak most about being excited to figure out solutions, new ways to make money, and leveling up their lives have more joy and prosperity in their lives? This is because like attracts like! You can only attract the energy that you are already emitting.

When you opt for the cheaper thing, it could end up costing you a lot more in the future.

The perfect example of this is the brand new business owner who buys the cheapest website hosting, only to learn that it doesn’t have all functions they actually need to run their business through. So they end up having to buy a different hosting site just months after. This is so frustrating, and makes you want to just throw your hands up and say, Fuck It!

When you pay up, you listen up!

You know those times where you claim the freebie book or the freebie training and then you never really go back and finish it. This is because you don’t value it. When you place your own energy (or money) into something, you show up and listen up, absorbing the value. Because when you pay you sure as hell are not going to let that money go to waste.

Having a lack mindset is detrimental because it will manifest in every single aspect.

The person who doesn’t believe they are worthy of love almost always attracts poor relationships, keeping them in the self loathing energy.

If you are someone who aspires to have more in life, someone who can really see themselves being successful but just can’t figure out how to make it happen because of XYZ,

Here are 10 ways to bust you out of lack mindset:

  1. Ask yourself, “what would future me do here?”

  2. Challenge yourself to expect more out of your life and out of yourself.

  3. Level up your self worth for yourself, because you deserve more.

  4. Journal everything you are grateful for, including things you don’t already have but will soon.

  5. Affirmations are a great way to start telling yourself a new story. Try tapping on your heart and repeating “I am worthy of everything I desire.”

  6. Understand that your desires are all divinely placed in you for a reason, so you can drop the guilt around wanting nicer things in your life.

  7. Every time you spend money, feel the energy of excitement and joy rather then dread.

  8. Asking yourself when swiping your card, “will this raise my vibration for the good of myself and of the planet?”

  9. Having a therapist or coach to help you show up in your most abundant self.

  10. Hypnotherapy can help you rewire thoughts on a subconscious level.

At the end of your life, you’ll back and remember everything you did and everything you did not. You deserve to have everything you need to give you the life that fills you up. When you are in the energy of abundance, abundance will always find you. When you spend money, you will receive money. When you spend love, you will receive love. That is just the way the world works, you know this from existing in lack and receiving more lack.

It’s time to upgrade that thought process.
It’s time to level up to something new.

If you’re ready to dissolve the lack mindset and step into abundance, click here to schedule a 30 minute FREE desire mapping session with me, where we will get crystal clear on what you desire and how to remove any lack blocks that may be preventing you from receiving it.


Humans were meant to expand


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