How Isolation Helped Me Find Myself

I have found my heart. ❤️

It's a scary time right now, filled with uncertainty. We don't know where our next paycheck will come from, we don't know if going to the grocery store is safe... there's just so much we don't know. And every motion we feel here is completely valid and worthy of your attention.

But on the other side of that, in this time we have the opportunity to slow down and feel into ourselves, our actual desires. We are able to look at where we became a part of the rat race, where we abandoned life to just survive.

We fell into the illusion that we had to suffer to accomplish the end goal, an end goal that we maybe didn’t even want to start with.

We stopped smelling the roses. We stopped life to make a living. This is the world we’ve created... and we’ve been so wrapped up in it that we really believed it was the only way.

But it wasn’t working.

And now we have the chance to see that. Now we get to get in touch with our hearts and listen. What does she tell you? What does she want?

“Come with me” my heart tells me.

“Everything you’ve done until now is valuable, you needed it... but you were never meant to live life so small. You’re bigger than this. You’re time is now. So come with me.”

So I’m shaking off the shit... the false reality that we created. I’m building a new one. A world where we get to enjoy all that we’ve been given and more. It’s time for us all to do that.

Our souls are begging to us to play, to create, to feel, to experience.

The world we created is crumbling and we have the unique opportunity to build a new one. Let's not let that go to waste. We don't need to "go back to normal".

It's time for a new normal.

One where our mental health takes priority over what society has told us to do.

One that burns down the masculine success models, and shows us a new way of success.

A world that doesn’t run on greed or power,

Leaders that move with grace and compassion.

Money no longer needs to be this fearful energy, but rather a friend.

It’s time to step into the feminine model of success… where we see this energy has powerful, not weak. There’s nothing weak about a Woman in her feminine energy.

Emotions are strength. Softness, empathy, compassion is just as strong as her will to burn everything down and start anew.

A time where equality finally makes its way to center stage.

Sometimes we need to isolate ourselves, turn down our phones, and go within to really see what is needed in the outter world.

If this work calls to you, book a 30 minute free desire mapping session where we will sit down and get crystal clear on your desires and begin to map out your most pleasurable path to that success.


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