Humans were meant to expand

I’m sitting at my computer, and my entire body fills with adrenaline. I’m immediately anxious.

Where is this coming from?
And then nausea kicks in.

So I close my eyes and go within, and I ask my body what she’s feeling.

Fear immediately washes over me, and then she shows me the image of a snake, shedding its skin.

How uncomfortable the snake feels when she is stretching past herself. The dryness, the cracking, the pushing.

But if she has outgrown herself, she has to feel the discomfort to grow bigger.

Ah… I immediately understand.

I am the snake who’s out grown her environment.

I look around my home, I’ve been here for almost 9 years. My entire adult life. I have outgrown this home.

I look at the business I’ve created, the model that served a smaller version of me doesn’t serve where my business wants to grow.

I look at friendships and see where I’ve outgrown some people.

This feels immediately like pain, agony and delicious excitement.

Adrenaline surges deeper and I drop into a state of surrender.

This is everything I’ve ever wanted.

The growing pains of it all feels like what a younger version of me would’ve caved and retreated to.

I felt like my entire body was pressed against a cold wall, and no matter how much I pushed I couldn’t get through.

Here it is.

The growth.

I won’t give up this time. The preverbal glass ceiling gets to shatter this time.

Because I want more!

More then I’ve ever had.

More then what people think I’m capable of.

More then the box I’ve put myself into.

Humans were meant for expansion and growth.

The shedding of what was.

This is literally what we’re here for.

All I can say is yes. I’ve been so exhausted and struggling to handle more - but I want more.

So my body freezes and I say Yes to all of it.

I’m willing to take on more.

I’m willing to be powerful.

I’m willing to claim what I want and to keep going.

There is a fine line between pushing and allowing here. Allowing the pleasurable feelings of growth wash over me and choosing that as my reality.

And in that choice, I am choosing to focus on the feel goods rather then the pain.

I’m choosing Alchemy.

The transmutation of my fear and limitations to absolute gold.

… and this is where I’ve decided to create from.

Get ready to transmute you’re confidence to gold.

Confidence is the currency to your success, and I want to take you all the way there. Click here to book a completely FREE 30 minute desire mapping session with me, where we’ll get crystal clear on your desires and what may be standing in the way of receiving them.


When Manifestation Is All The Rage


The Trap of a Lack Mindset