There is so much untapped power and potential when we fully land in our
So many women spend their lives trying to do everything like a man, completely ignoring our innate gifts.
In fact, we spend so much time trying to not be woman, while fighting for female rights.
I know this story all too well from my days working in corporate, from the fashion world, the acting world, and the property management world. Trying to prove myself again and again, and not loving my results.
Pushing, striving, forcing, trying to control every little thing. Even dating in this weird masculine energy that didn’t feel good in my body. It's exhausting. I was exhausted.
I was ready to become the muse,
to embody my inner diva,
and attract everything I wanted.
And the work I’m going to share with you in this free masterclass will take you there.
The center of everything is love, so it's time to
Love Like A Woman
In This Masterclass -
Learn how to embody your feminine energy & magnetism while still remaining in your power.
Attract more love, more ease, and more beauty into your life.
Shift yourself into a new reality where YOU are the prize.
Raise your standards and what you expect in life and become your most desirable self.
Heal your relationship with the masculine, the feminine, and the way you feel about you.
Make sure to confirm your email after you’ve signed up so that you get all the details!
My name is Taylor Carr, and I am deeply passionate about helping women fall in love with themselves in a whole new way, stepping into the feminine model of success and manifesting a reality they truly desire. It all begins with love.
What does it mean to “do it like a man”? I don’t quite understand?
Every system we have created as humans is set up for the success of men. I don’t say the in a bad way by any means. With that said, we have been conditioned and trained to create, work, love, boss lady, even parent like men. Men have 24 hour cycles, women have 28 day cycles. Our energy, our minds, our everything works differently. My work is re-training women to ditch this conditioning and fully reclaim their power in a way that works for US.