Ready to become an Ignited Woman?

I see you…

You’re the type of Woman who knows what she wants
and goes after it

You’ve worked your a** off to get where you are now,
and it’s thrilling

You’ve got the success"

… so why does it feel like life is empty

You’re exhausted,
your relationships have changed,
you hardly recognize yourself some days,
and you can’t help but wonder if all this was even worth it.

If I have what I’ve always wanted, then why does
it constantly feel like something is missing?

You are not alone.

In a time where Women experience more freedom then ever to go after their goals and dreams, we are also experiencing a whole new wave of emotions and burn out.

This is an epidemic across the working women world right now, and it’s a great thing!

As women navigate new waters, we are forced to understand ourselves deeper than ever before, to love harder than ever before, to be more compassionate with ourselves than ever before.

My name is Taylor Carr,

and I know exactly what it’s like to navigate feeling burnt out, dull and like something is missing, and to be honest with you - I wasn’t having it.

This is a new age,
a new era,
and as motivated, successful women
we actually DO get to have everything we desire.


You get to have the massive amounts of money
AND the passionate love

You get to have the CEO title
AND the wildest sex of your life

You get to be the BOSS
and the sub
*wink wink*

I deeply believe that when we block ourselves off from love, we close our heart down and disconnect from that which makes life juicy and colorful.

We turn ourselves off and then wonder why we don’t feel good… but not anymore.

In this 6 week group program we’ll be

  • Cultivating an unshakable self love and confidence

  • Creating harmonious & healthy relationships

  • Learning healthy & inspiring communication

  • Mastering the energy of relationships though Masculine & Feminine dynamics

  • Manifesting the relationship of your dreams

  • Learning to deeply honor your intuition so that you can create like a Woman

  • Opening your heart and letting love expand you

  • Becoming the woman you’ve been waiting for

And so much more.

Picture This:

- Waking up each day feeling confident, whole, and turned on by your life.

- You've created a new, profound relationship with yourself, setting higher standards for how others treat you.

-  Healing your relationship to your body and your pleasure so that you can experience life on a deeper, more colorful level.

- Healing your relationship to the masculine and the feminine, so that the lovers you invite into your life are healthy and treat you like a Queen.

- Connecting the way you create love and pleasure in your life with the way you receive money and abundance.

- Fully embodying the woman you've been waiting for.


You have the power to create incredible relationships in your life that uplift you, grow you and expand you.

This Program Is For You If:

  • You identify as a Woman

  • You are single and ready to attract partnership

  • You are in a partnership that may be experiencing some bumps right now

  • You are in a loving partnership and you crave taking it to the next level

  • You are ready for a deeper and more profound sense of love

  • You are feeling burnt out by life and are ready for so much more

Valued Price: $7,000
LIVE Program Price: $1,497

Payment Plans Available

VIP Option Available


How do I know if I can afford this? Is there a payment plan option?

Yes! There are two payment plan options! Follow your soul and your intuition with this. Is this the investment in you that will take you to your next level? If it's a YES, then I encourage you to follow that, to expand yourself past your comfort zone, because that's where the magic happens.

Is this course refundable?

Because this is a inner transformation course, you are responsible for your result as I hold the space, coach you, love you up and give you all the information you need. Because personal transformation is not measurable, the course is not refundable. With that said, I want the soul-aligned YES people who can feel that this is the program for them. That will not be everyone, and that is ok! Make sure you're 100% in and invested in your own transformation if you are purchasing this program.