Transmute Your Self Love To Gold
Bust through the limits between you and ultimate self love and respect. In this course you’ll learn all about where you’re current systems and programming come from and equip yourself with the tools for lasting confidence.
In this course you will:
- Find where your current programs are running from so you can free yourself from their restraints
- Create empathy and forgiveness for yourself and others involved so you can heal your heart and make space for new amazing things to come into your life
- Replace negative self talk with loving affirmations so you can become the physical manifestation of beauty that you were always meant to be
- Get in touch with your unique love language and attachment styles so you can attract a love that is perfectly fitted to your needs and desires
- Set personal boundaries like a boss so you can preserve your energy and make decisions from a place of love and abundance
- Bust out of your comfort zone and expand your capacity for more so you can create, receive and expect more out of life then ever before
- Step into ultimate self worth so that you can fearlessly pursue exactly what you want with no doubt or limitations
- Raise your vibration so that you’re energy magnetizes incredible things and people into your life
- Use sensual movement and embodiment so you can activate your divine feminine magnetism and feel beautiful, turned on, fully expressed and confident
- Treat yourself like a lover so that you are 100% clear on how you want to be treated, so that others can show up and follow your example
- Activate your sacred self pleasure ritual so you can reconnect with your body on a deeply loving and intimate level.
I bet this sounds familiar
You wake up in the morning still feeling tired.
You think you slept well, but maybe you didn’t?
You cling to those last moments on the pillow before leaning over and grabbing your phone.
You scroll through social media and watch people living their seemingly perfect lives.
Another work day, I guess.
At work you feel small.
You wish there was more for you here, but you can’t quite feel it.
After work you see your friends, and you feel small here too. Everyone seems to be up to something amazing but you.
Or, maybe everyone is still feeling low after the pandemic, and it’s starting to really bring you down.
There’s always that one girl who lights up the room, the one with the smile and the stories that really take up space. How does she do it?
You go home and it feels empty.
So you wash your face, brush your teeth and crawl into bed.
You scroll some more on social media and feel both inspired and heavy.
That guy hasn’t texted you back today… typical.
Eventually you fall asleep and do it all again.
Now Imagine This…
You wake up energized by life, excited to see what the day has in store.
You almost forget to even look at your phone because you’re too busy dancing around and getting ready.
There’s a sense of peace and calm that keeps washing over you, like there’s nothing to worry about.
Time for work, and you can’t wait.
Your work fuels you and lights you up.
Your co-workers notice something different about you, and you’re more talkative then normal.
They all SEE you.
You head out for dinner with friends, and suddenly you realize that YOU are the one lighting up the room.
You are the one with the smile and the stories.
You forget to check your phone, but when you do a few guys have been trying to get ahold of you, sending you compliments and desires to spend more time.
You go home and feel that sense of calm and peace again.
Ahhh… this is life.
You do a little night time routine and then crawl into bed.
You love your bed. You love your home. You love your sleep. You love your life.
It finally feels sooooo good.

I thought I had it figured out… until I fell flat on my face.
I remember a few years ago when I had just finished my Women’s Healing Arts Teacher certification I was feeling on top of the world. I finally had a business, I was a female entrepreneur, I was flirting with a hand full of names in my phone, my friendships were strong and I was making a little bit of money.
I was full blown Goddess vibes.
But somewhere inside of me, there was still a crack I hadn’t filled, a wound that I hadn’t healed. With that wound, I allowed in an unhealthy partner, and that decision alone became a very slow, painful downward spiral.
All confidence I had cultivated had left me. I became desperate, my worthiness shattered. I needed the person I was with, who didn’t want me, to validate me to feel worthy. I was unhappy, unhealthy, unloved. My friendships began falling apart. My home was falling apart. I weighed 102 lbs, had two pink eyes and a cold sore every other month. My body had turned on me because I was staying in this toxic, low vibration that wasn’t serving me at all.
After my relationship ended, my friendships ended, and my job took a turn for the worse… I knew something had to change.
I had all these tools in my toolbox. It was time I fucking use them.
I ended up attracting the love of my absolute dreams by stepping into this vibration. As an actress, I booked a role in a play and I started booking short films and pilots. I healed my mindset around money, I got certified in clinical hypnotherapy and started booking clients immediately.
I was the whole vibe.
I Am The Whole Vibe.
And now I’m going to show you how to be the whole vibe too… because you deserve it.
How to know if Confidence Alchemy is right for you:
You’re struggling to get to that next level of self love that goes beyond instagram stories
You often find yourself feeling small around others, like you can’t be yourself
You second guess yourself often and get stuck in an overthinking spiral
You’re struggling to find your creativity and it doesn’t feel good
You feel disconnected from your body and second guessing your own intuition
You feel scarcity or lack when it comes to money and security
You think your body is gross and you’re uncomfortable in it (uh uh sister, none of that here)
You blame your parents or upbringing for the way you feel and behave constantly
If you feel stuck and can’t seem to break certain cycles even though you really are trying
You don’t feel confident in the bedroom with a romantic partner, or yourself
You want a raise at work but can’t seem to ask for it
You meet decent people to connect with romantically, but you can’t seem to meet The One, and you’re really ready to.
If you’re one of the many bullet points above, you’re in the right place honey bee. I’m here to teach you true, authentic, serene, abundant, light up the room, manifest with ease, sexy ass, comfortable in my own skin, I orgasm easily thank you very much type of confidence in less then 3 weeks.
It’s time, babe.
Time to stop living in the old stories.
Time to step into the new version of you, boo.
The version who claims what she wants, asks for what she desires, and always gets it.
It’s time to step into your Goddess.
In this course you’ll receive:
14 Bite Sized Training Videos so you can learn the lessons quickly and efficiently. ($197 value)
Worthy To Win Hypnosis Audio to feel deeply worthy of your dreams and desires so that you can create success every single day ($37 value)
Boundaries Are Sexy Workbook to create a deeper relationship with boundary setting so you can have healthier relationships with yourself and others ($27 value)
Get Sexy Meditation so that you can feel sexy and confident every day ($27 value)
I AM Affirmations Printable PDF to look at your new affirmations every day so you can integrate & embody them without even trying ($11 value)
The 5 Love Languages ID worksheet to identify the love languages of the people around you so you can love them even harder then ever before ($11 value)
Total Value: $310
Your Price Today: $197
The Champagne Project Bonus so you can accomplish a major goal in 60 days and pop the champagne to celebrate ($77 value)
The Radiant Breast & Heart Activation Training Video to learn healthy and sensual breast massage techniques so you can have healthy, youthful, firm breasts forever ($37 value)
Color Embodiment Training Video to activate your chakra centers so that you can embody confidence in 7 different, colorful ways ($47 value)
Mirror Work Training Video to fall back in love with the person you see in the mirror so that you can show up in the world as the confident, glowing Goddess you were always meant to be ($17 value)
Total Bonus Value: $178
Total Course Value: $488
You Pay Only: $197
What People Are Saying
“I think Confidence Alchemy has really been like a love letter to myself. Now I really take the time to look in the mirror and be kind to myself, let myself feel good. I have an organized determination. I signed up for an outdoor gym and started waking early. I even wrote down that I wanted more money in an affirmation in one of the bonuses and it WORKED! I had a full day of work suddenly. This course helped me become lighter, more loving and confidently going after my dreams! I feel really confident right now.”
— Cassidy, Actress & Healer
“Honestly, this is one of the best (mini) courses I’ve ever taken.”
— Adha