The Free 3 Day Workshop
that teaches you how to have it all.

I see you…

You’re the type of Woman who knows what she wants
and goes after it

You’ve worked your a** off to get where you are now,
and it’s thrilling

You have more success then you’ve ever had

… so why does it feel like everything is falling apart around you?

You’re exhausted,
your relationships have changed,
you hardly recognize yourself some days,
and you can’t help but wonder if all this was even worth it.

If I have everything I’ve ever wanted, then why does
it constantly feel like something is missing?

You are not alone.

In a time where Woman experience more freedom then ever to go after their goals and dreams, we are also experiencing a whole new wave of emotions and burn out.

This is an epidemic across the working women world right now,
and it’s a good thing!

As women navigate new waters, we are forced to understand ourselves
deeper than ever before,
to love harder then ever before,
to be more compassionate with ourselves than ever before.

My name is Taylor Carr,

and I know exactly what it’s like to navigate feeling burnt out, dull and like something is missing, and to be honest with you - I wasn’t having it.

This is a new age,
a new era,
and as motivated, successful women
we actually DO get to have everything we desire.


You get to have the massive amounts of money
AND the passionate love

You get to have the CEO title
AND the wildest sex of your life

You get to be the BOSS
and the sub
*wink wink*

In my 3 day Masterclass, I’m going to show you
how to step into this energy and reclaim that deeply fulfilling life
you’ve worked so damn hard to create.

This Workshop Is For You If:

  • You identify as a Woman

  • You are single and ready to attract partnership

  • You are in a partnership that may be experiencing some bumps right now

  • You are in a loving partnership and you crave taking it to the next level

  • You are ready for a deeper and more profound sense of love

  • You are feeling burnt out by life and are ready for so much more